Prepare for the Delta Flight Attendant Virtual Job Tryout (VJT)
Yedidya Lixenberg

Yedidya, Aviation Industry Assessments Expert at JobTestPrep.

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What is the Delta Virtual Job Tryout Assessment?

The Delta Virtual Job Tryout (VJT) is the second and most difficult assessment that candidates for flight attendant positions must pass as part of the hiring process. The VJT is a six-stage test that assesses candidates' ability to handle realistic flight attendant-related scenarios and choose the correct course of action while being empathic and service-oriented. This balance is essential for cabin crew.

The Delta Virtual Job Tryout is sent to candidates after they pass the first Delta Assessment taken via TalentBank. Once the link is sent, you'll have 14 days to complete the Delta flight attendant assessment. The test is not recorded. 

 Here are the questions you can expect on the Delta Flight Attendant Assessment:

Delta Virtual Job Tryout Questions & Answers

As mentioned, there are six sections in the Virtual Job Tryout assessment, each containing different questions: 

1- Handle Work Challenges

This part of the VJT includes 7 questions that place you in flight-related scenarios and dilemmas flight attendants may face. You will be asked to choose your most and least likely response from a list of 4 options. These tests will evaluate your capacity to exercise adaptable and sound judgment.

Handle Work Challenges - Sample Question #1

You are a flight attendant on a Delta Airways flight from New York to Los Angeles. During the flight, a passenger in the first-class cabin becomes upset because their meal choice is no longer available. They start raising their voice and attracting the attention of other passengers. How would you handle this situation?


Apologize sincerely for the inconvenience and offer an alternative meal choice. Explain that you will check if there are any other options available from the business or economy class that might satisfy their preference.


Calmly inform the passenger that the meal options are limited and there is nothing more you can do. Suggest they write a complaint to the airline after the flight.


Seek assistance from a senior flight attendant or the cabin manager to handle the situation while you attend to other passengers.


Immediately offer the passenger a voucher or some form of compensation to appease them and prevent further disruption.

Show Answer

The best response is A.

This is the best choice because it demonstrates empathy and a proactive approach to problem-solving. By sincerely apologizing and offering to check for other options, you show that you value the passenger's experience and are committed to finding a solution. This response highlights key traits such as empathy, customer service orientation, and adaptability, which are crucial for a flight attendant.

Option 3: Involve a Colleague

Seeking assistance from a senior colleague can be appropriate in some situations, but in this case, it may appear as though you are avoiding responsibility. This option might also delay the resolution of the issue, causing more dissatisfaction among other passengers.

Option 4: Offer Compensation

Offering compensation immediately might seem like a quick fix, but it can set a precedent for passengers expecting compensation for minor inconveniences. It also does not address the underlying issue or demonstrate a sincere attempt to resolve the passenger's immediate concern.

The worst response is B

While maintaining professionalism is important, this response lacks the empathy and effort required in a customer service role. Simply stating that there is nothing more you can do and suggesting a complaint letter can come across as dismissive, potentially escalating the situation further.

How to Answer Delta Test Questions about Work Challenges?

Work challenges questions present several challenges- you don't only have to recognize the best response but also analyze each response to decide which is the worst one. In the example above are two main dimensions you should assess when answering: 

  1. Does the response solve the problem? 
  2. Is the response in line with a customer-centric, service-oriented approach?
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TIP: Delta Airlines' VJT assesses important qualities for flight attendants. To understand the expected reactions, it's essential to recognize the qualities being examined and how flight attendants should behave in relation to them. Our Delta VJT Preparation Pack includes a practice test with feedback and guidance to help you learn the correct response to any question. 

 Let's look at another example:

Handle Work Challenges - Sample Question #2

You're a flight attendant on a long-haul international flight. Halfway through, a passenger experiences severe anxiety due to turbulence and demands to be let off the plane immediately. Other passengers are becoming visibly uncomfortable with the situation.


Firmly explain that exiting mid-flight is impossible and instruct the passenger to return to their seat.


Offer the passenger a complimentary alcoholic beverage to help them calm down.


Empathize with the passenger's fear, guide them to a quieter area, and use calming techniques while explaining flight safety measures.


Ask another passenger who appears calm to switch seats with the anxious individual.

Show Answer

The best response is C.

This scenario tests a candidate's ability to handle a complex, high-pressure situation that requires emotional intelligence, safety awareness, and problem-solving skills. Let's break down why C is the optimal choice:

  • Empathy: Acknowledging the passenger's fear is crucial in building trust and rapport.
  • De-escalation: Moving to a quieter area helps prevent the situation from affecting other passengers.
  • Proactive problem-solving: Using calming techniques addresses the immediate emotional need.
  • Education: Explaining safety measures can help alleviate long-term anxiety and demonstrate your expertise.

Option A, while factually correct, lacks empathy and could escalate the situation.

Option B is inappropriate and potentially dangerous, as alcohol can exacerbate anxiety and pose safety risks.

Option D offloads responsibility and could create additional problems.

This question highlights the importance of preparation in handling unexpected situations, the complexity of passenger interactions, and the need for a nuanced approach to problem-solving in the aviation industry. Our detailed explanation offers insights into the multifaceted nature of a flight attendant's role, emphasizing emotional intelligence, safety protocols, and customer service excellence.

2- Serve Your Passengers - Sample Question

 This section requires making logistical decisions a flight attendant is typically required to make. You will be provided with several resources to make the right decision:

  • An onboard manual, including information about health, exits, bathrooms, the guest experience, and baggage.
  • Airplane information, including the number of snacks, drinks, headphones, blankets, etc. available
  • Airplane seat plan, including the number of passengers on board and how they are seated.

You must use these resources to help passengers wishing to switch seats, distribute food/beverages correctly, and more.


For example, this is how a question may look like: 

 How many passengers on Flight #641 could get both a snack and a drink? Use the Airplane Information to find the answer.

Airplane Information
  Flight #556 Flight #641 Price
Headphones 146 150 $4
Blankets 364 320 $2
Upgraded Seats 6 0 $40
Overhead Bags 150 142 N/A
Snacks 150 130 $2
Drinks 180 160 $5
A. 130
B. 145
C. 142
D. 160
Correct Answer
Incorrect Answer

The correct answer is A - 130.

For flight $641, there are 130 snacks and 160 drinks. This means the maximum amount of snack+drink combinations that can be provided is 130, with 30 drinks to spare.


This sections also requires making decisions in specific senarios, only here you would have to rely on verious resources, manuvering between 3 seperate files to find the relevant information. This makes answering the questions much more complex.  Our tailored Delta VJT practice test is designed to accuratly simulate this part among else, providing the same resources and possible related questions.


3 - Understand Passengers

This test measures your ability to show empathy by detecting emotions. You will be required to listen to recordings of passengers and identify which emotion they portray.

💡 You should try and remember these passengers for section 5, which will test your memory of them. You are allowed to take notes, so it is highly recommended to write down the customer names, needs, and voice tone, as you will be asked about this further ahead. 

Recognizing emotions accuratly is the key to succeding in this part, but at the same time you want to make sure you listen and remember details about what passangers are saying. To practice this ability questions in the same format as the actual Delta VJT are available in our complete Delta VJT Preparation Pack. 

Gaining access to our preparation course allows you to take a full simulation of each of the Delta Airlines VJT Assessments. Within, you will find written guides for two sections (Describe your Approach, Tell Us Your Story) and practice questions for all six. At the end of each sample test, you will receive automated feedback showing you areas that need further improvement.

Gain unique and valuable insight into the assessment to gain an edge over the competition!


4 - Tell Us Your Story

This section includes questions about your aspirations and experiences. For example:

  • How long do you see yourself working at Delta?
  • What can you offer that other would-be flight attendants cannot?
  • How would others rate your drive to become a top performer?

Like in other behavioral questions, Delta is looking for answers that align with the qualities they expect flight attendants to demonstrate. So, to improve your chances of passing you need to understand what Delta expects and which qualities are important in potential flight attendants.


5 - Recall Passenger Needs

This section measures your ability to remember the needs of passengers by asking you about those you listened to earlier in section 3.

You will be given a small hint to help you recall specific passengers and will need to recall the contents of their requests and questions, as well as their voice tone. 

To make sure you can recall any details you'll be asked about, it is highly recommended to practice taking notes of recordings and answering related questions. This practice is accessible in our Delta VJT Preparation Pack and will help you increase the number of recall questions you can answer correctly.


6 - Describe Your Approach

For this final section, you will be shown pairs of statements and be asked to choose which of the statements is more like you.

These statements are always contrasted ("Sometimes coworkers frustrate me"/"I am never frustrated with my coworkers"), and are meant to see what type of person you are, and if you are trustworthy. 

Similarly to part 4, Delta is assessing your qualities and characteristics to identify whether they align with those of the "ideal" flight attendant. To make sure your answers align with Delta's expectations, a complete practice test with feedback and guidance is available in our Delta VJT Preparation Pack.


Getting Delta VJT Results

You can expect to hear back from Delta within a few days of completing the assessment. In the next stage, you will take a Delta Live Online Interview through Hirevue Live.

How to Pass Delta Flight Attendant Assessment

Delta's flight attendant virtual job tryout questions are different in their format, but they all have one thing in common- they assess your ability to demonstrate specific characteristics and values Delta is looking for in flight attendants.

Here's a general description of Delta's ideal cabin crew candidate profile and the main values, used to determine correct answers to the Delta Virtual Job Tryout questions:

Delta's Ideal Candidate Profile & Expected Values

Delta Airlines chooses to move on with candidates that fit the "ideal" flight attendant profile, and Delta's core values the most.  It is most important to keep these in mind and make sure your answers are aligned with them:

Ideal Candidate Profile: 

"Outstanding Flight Attendants are safety- and customer-centric professional who loves to be on the go, help others, and enjoy variety in your work. You should be excited at the prospect of solving problems and going above and beyond assuring our customers leave with a positive experience. The idea of joining a company that connects the world and building a lasting career, while enjoying flight privileges that are the envy of the marketplace, should excite you!"

 Delta Airlines' main values:

  • Honesty
  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Perseverance
  • Servant Leadership

Our brand new Delta VJT Preparation Pack was designed to show you how to express these values on the exam and help implement them and answer all test sections correctly. To do so, we have included:

  • Exact simulations of each VJT section, mirroring the exact test format.
  • Answers and elaborated feedback based on the qualities and values Delta is looking for.
  • Study Guides for answering "Tell us your story" and "Describe your approach" questions. 

Other Stages in the Delta Flight Attendant Hiring Process

The Delta flight attendant hiring process consists of the following steps:

  • Application 
  • Delta Talent Assessment (TalentBank)
  • Virtual Job Tryout
  • Phone/video interview
  • Interview
  • Drug test/background check


The Delta Flight Attendant Application Process

The first step for candidates wishing to become flight attendants at Delta Airlines, as with almost every hiring process, is filling out an application for the Delta flight attendant positions. You can find any flight attendant position available on the official Delta page.

Before applying, make sure that you fulfill the minimum requirements for the job:

  • Able to work in the US.
  • At least 21 years old
  • High school diploma/GED
  • Fluent in English
  • Able to acquire/have a passport & documents to freely enter and exit Delta flight areas.
  • Able to pass a drug test and comprehensive background check
  • Physically able to handle the duties and conditions of flight attendance
  • Note that you may also be required to receive a COVID vaccine

The next stage after you apply is the Delta Talent Assessment (TalentBank)- Delta's method of assessing your strongest talents for the role.


Delta Talent Assessment

This first test in the flight attendant hiring process is like a personality test mixed with a situational judgment test for the Delta flight attendant job applicant.

You will be asked 75 questions regarding your personality, habits, responses to possible scenarios, and similar subjects. Some of these questions will be phrased as statements, which you will need to rank your opinion towards (from "Strongly Agree" to "Strongly Disagree"), while some are much more open-ended, like this one:

TalentBank Sample Question:

What is most important?

  • Responding to people
  • Responding to the situation
  • Responding to the needs of others
  • Being Consistent 
  • Taking everything into consideration
  • Responding Quickly

To answer these questions, you should keep in mind the qualities and values Delta is looking for in potential flight attendants.

💡 Tip- The last few questions on this test will ask you specifically about the experience of answering it itself. You will be asked if you answered honestly- and should very clearly indicate that you did!

After completing this test, you will receive a "Talent Card"- a report showcasing the strongest talents for the role. If you are found suitable, the next stage will be the Delta Virtual Job Tryout.


Delta Flight Attendant Interview Process

Delta Airlines has a multi-step interview process, starting with a video HireVue interview, followed by an in-person interview. It is essential to prepare for your interviews as this is your chance to make an impression and emphasize your strengths.


1. HireVue Delta Interview Questions

The video interview is set up so that you receive the interview questions via email, but instead of talking and interacting with a person, you record your interview answers on the computer and then submit them to the recruiter.

If you pass the phone and/or computer interview successfully, you are then invited to schedule a face-to-face meeting. You may encounter a one-on-one face-to-face interview, a panel interview, or a group interview.


2. Delta Face-to-Face Interview Questions (F2F)

The group interview can be a bit unusual as there can be 30–50 other candidates at the same venue as you. This is because Delta splits the candidates into groups that rotate between three stations: informative presentation, interview in front of two or more panel members, and team exercises. Once this is completed, everyone watches an informative Delta tutorial video.

Delta highly encourages its interviewees to answer interview questions using the STAR method, to ensure they respond deliberately and effectively.

Here are some helpful tips for preparing for the F2F interview: 

Delta Flight Attendant Interview Tips

  • Ask questions – This is your chance to not only get clarification but to show the interviewer that you're truly interested.
  • Dress the part – Dress professionally and tidily.
  • Arrive early – This gives you time to practice your interview responses and to figure out where you're going. It also helps make a good impression.
  • Do your research – Don’t wing the interview(s); spend time assessing the job position, talk to employees if possible, and read about the company.
  • Practice – Practice your answers out loud so that you'll feel more confident and less anxious when answering interview questions in real-time.  

Since many candidates worry about how to dress, here are some suggestions to create a formal, representative impression:

  • Two-piece suit or formal wear (skirts should be knee-high)
  • Dark, professional colors such as black, gray, navy, white, etc.
  • Formal shoes such as flats, pumps, or sensible heels.
  • Clean, pressed, and professional clothing
  • Clean and tidy appearance, shaven or neatly trimmed beard.

If you pass the interview(s), then the next step is waiting to hear back from Delta regarding a potential job offer. Don’t be surprised if it takes time to hear back from them.


Best of Luck! 

If you have any more questions about the Delta Virtual Job Tryout or any other flight attendant assessment, please feel free to contact me, I'll be happy to help. 

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