Prepare for the 2024 New Jersey Civil Service Test
Shir Enzer

Shir, Civil Service Assessments Expert at JobTestPrep.

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Civil Service Testing in New Jersey

The New Jersey Civil Service Commission administers several different tests & evaluation methods for different jobs. Let's take a look at the most common two:

The Supervisory Test Battery (STB)

  • Assesses supervisory skills and leadership attributes.
  • 3 hours and 15 minutes for 89 multiple-choice questions.

There are over 200 jobs in New Jersey (state and local governments) that require the STB Test (Supervisory Test Battery), a computer-administered work simulation.

During this test, Background information is given about a fictitious company or organization, along with several items (such as memos and phone calls), and 30 minutes of review time are given.

Then, test takers are faced with scenario-based questions, problems, and work-related decisions. Because there can be various correct ways of dealing with issues, answer options are weighted based on their effectiveness (ranging from 0.0 to 0.8) and for some questions, it is possible to choose more than one answer.

Candidates receive their test results instantly upon completion of the Supervisor Test Battery.

Our supervisor test preparation includes some additional materials that will not appear on your exam (for example, mathematical reasoning); therefore, we recommend that you focus on the personality and situational judgment sections.

See details on the Supervisor Test questions here.


The Management Test Battery (MTB)

  • Assesses ability to handle management-level situations.
  • 2 hours and 30 minutes for 80 multiple-choice questions.

This management assessment is a computer-administered work simulation similar to the Supervisor Test (see above) that is required for hundreds of New Jersey state and local managerial role titles.

Candidates are required to assume the role of a manager in a fictitious company or organization and are given background information and items (such as memos, phone calls) to review for 30 minutes. There is no one correct answer to scenario-based questions, but some answers are more effective than others; therefore, options are weighted (ranging from 0.2 to 1.0) with the more effective responses receiving a higher weight.

The highest possible score for the Management Test Battery is 80; candidates receive their score immediately upon completion of the assessment.

Other exams in NJ often focus on job-specific knowledge & experience.

Click here for the  full list of open competitive job announcements, or

click here for a full list of promotional announcements for current government employees.


JobTestPrep has an all-inclusive Civil Service Exam preparation pack available, with an accurate practice test for everything you might encounter on your exam. If you want a preparation pack for a specific test not currently available, please let us know at!



Additional Public Sector Jobs in New Jersey

New Jersey Police Officers- LEE Test: The standard police test in New Jersey has a duration of 3 hours, with 48 multiple choice questions divided between 6 sections: written expression, written comprehension, problem sensitivity, deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning and information ordering. It also includes a work style questionnaire containing 103 statements to rank on a strongly-agree-strongly-disagree scale.

New Jersey Firefighters- New Jersey Firefighter Exam (NJFFE): The NJFFE is a cognitive-based, multiple-choice firefighter test with more than 200 questions. It is currently being reworked, with more details becoming available in December 2022.

New Jersey Corrections Officers- LEAB Test: This test is based on the EB Jacobs Law Enforcement Aptitude Battery, including a cognitive ability test, work style questionnaire, and life experience survey. Together, all three tests take about 3.5 hours to complete.

New Jersey Testing Information

The NJ Civil Service tests are administered by the New Jersey Civil Service Commission (CSC) for a variety of state, local, and municipal positions in various departments of human services. As a result, exams for the same profession or job title are generally the same throughout New Jersey whether for a state or local job. All vacancy announcements within New Jersey, job descriptions and requirements, and online application instructions for the exams are featured on the NJ CSC’s official web page.

About NJ Civil Service Tests

The NJ civil service tests are generally computer-administered and formatted in multiple-choice questions. There are no penalties for wrong answers, so it is to the candidate's advantage to eliminate unlikely choices and make an educated guess. Every exam has a time limit, requiring candidates to choose as many correct answers as possible in the allotted time.

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